Paris, France – French authorities have arrested Pavel Durov, the Russian billionaire and founder of the messaging app Telegram, at Paris-Le Bourget Airport. Durov, who holds dual citizenship in France and Russia, was detained on Saturday evening under an arrest warrant issued by French investigators.
Charges and Investigation: The arrest is part of a broader investigation into allegations of money laundering, drug trafficking, and other criminal activities facilitated through Telegram. French media reports suggest that the platform’s lack of moderation has allowed these activities to go undetected.
Telegram’s Response: Telegram has stated that Durov has “nothing to hide” and that the platform complies with EU laws, including the Digital Services Act. The company emphasized that its moderation practices are within industry standards and are continually improving.
Background: Durov, 39, founded Telegram in 2013 and has been a vocal advocate for privacy and freedom of speech. He left Russia in 2014 after refusing to comply with government demands to shut down opposition groups on his previous social media platform, VKontakte.
Current Status: The Russian embassy in France is seeking consular access to Durov and has called for his rights to be ensured. The situation remains fluid as French authorities continue their investigation.